Date: October 26th, 2023 Time: 11:30am Place: Park City Club 5956 Sherry Lane, 17th Floor Dallas, TX
$38.00 Per Person
Kenn S. George, former U.S. Ambassador, member of the Texas House of Representatives, health care systems professional, and senior official of the Department of Commerce is a businessman with an entrepreneurial spirit. He has a wide range of interests. Mr. George served as U. S. Ambassador to Uruguay between October 2019 and January 2021. Known for his international finance and management acumen, leadership, commitment to public service, and knowledge of Latin America, Mr. George was a natural for this position. Previously Mr. George served as Director General (Assistant Secretary) and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U. S. and Foreign Commercial Service, U. S. Department of Commerce (1981-1985). This was when Mr. George’s interest in South America was first peaked. In 1983, Mr. George was appointed by President Reagan to lead the “in country” activities supporting the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), under USTR William Brock. The CBI was the Reagan’s Administration major economic initiative to counter Cuban efforts to spread communism throughout Central America and the Caribbean through the promotion of capitalism and free markets. Kenn also led the economic re-stabilization of Grenada after the U.S. military pushed out the New Jewel Movement and its Cuban sponsors. Currently Mr. George has interests in oil and gas, real estate, and investments. He owns Blue Harbor Plantation, a hydroponic farm in Roatan, Honduras, since 2009. Mr. George owns a working ranch in Carmelo, Uruguay. He visits Uruguay multiple times a year. He also owns a ranch in Wellington, Texas. Mr. George earned a B.A. from Washington & Lee University and an M.B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. Mr. George is married to Patricia Mast George and they have four grown children. He has six grandchildren. |